Animation, motion graphics, broadcast animation
Graphics and Design
Printing, design, brochures, corporate ID, print collateral
3D, 3D Illustration, 3D Maya, Maya


Photo Compositing

Producing that one killer graphic with just the right visual impact. Using elements from photo sessions, illustrations, 3D scenes, stock photography or anything digital to create a stunning composition for any purpose.


- Art direction, design and execution from concept though production
- Corporate ID, brochures, advertising, collateral
- Complete working knowledge of printing.


- Digital illustration using various software for the right style
- Artistic illustration in various techniques from oil painting to pen and ink

3D Stills

Sometimes a great concept needs a great 3D visual. Any creative idea can be brought to life in 3D... AND animated if necessary.

oil paintings, stained glass, animation, graphic design, web, internet & database design, illustration
Animation Contact Info
Animation Graphics and design internet design, web design, database design oil paintings stained glass, leaded glass Carpentry